Join Brewer Land Trust

Become a member of the Brewer Land Trust today.  We have Individual (below)

and now our new Business Memberships program (click to find out more).

Why Join?

If you care about saving natural spaces to be enjoyed by the people of Brewer and surrounding towns, then you should join the Brewer Land Trust! We have several long-range trail and green-space projects in the works, and the more citizens are involved, the better. You do not have to be a resident of Brewer to join. If you would like to become a member, please contact Linda Johns, City Planner at (207) 989-8431.

Join Online

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Brewer Land Trust. Any person(s), trust, estate, or company that contributes in cash or in kind, consistent with the policies of the Brewer Land Trust, is entitled to become a member.

The Corporation is formed for the purposes of cooperatively protecting and preserving the natural and scenic resources of the City of Brewer and State of Maine, of encouraging open space and green areas, increasing public awareness and understanding of the importance of conservation of natural resources and the interrelationships that exist amongst them, and of fostering a trail system connected to public areas and regional trails with all of the above for the enjoyment and benefit of present and future generations.

Join Brewer Land Trust

* denotes required fields

Yes! I want to get involved by enrolling with a gift. Memberships/Donations may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Level/Amount *

Note: This form notifies the trust of your intent to join, but does not process donations. To finalize your membership, please click on the "Support Our Mission" banner below, which will direct you to our PayPal page. Thanks!

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